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  1. /*
  2.  * @(#)LocaleElements.java    1.21 98/07/07
  3.  *
  4.  * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
  5.  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
  6.  *
  7.  * Portions copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  8.  *
  9.  *   The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted
  10.  * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These
  11.  * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
  12.  * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
  13.  * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  14.  *   Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  15.  *
  16.  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
  17.  * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without
  18.  * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
  19.  * appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html"
  20.  * for further important copyright and licensing information.
  21.  *
  28.  *
  29.  */
  31. /**
  32.  *
  33.  * Table of Java supplied standard locale elements
  34.  *
  35.  * automatically generated by java LocaleTool LocaleElements.java
  36.  *
  37.  * Date Created: Wed Aug 21 15:47:57  1996
  38.  *
  39.  *     Locale Elements and Patterns:  last update 10/23/96
  40.  *
  41.  *
  42.  */
  44. // WARNING : the format of this file will change in the future!
  46. package java.text.resources;
  48. import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  50. public class LocaleElements extends ListResourceBundle {
  51.     /**
  52.      * Overrides ListResourceBundle
  53.      */
  54.     public Object[][] getContents() {
  55.         return new Object[][] {
  56.             { "LocaleString", "en_US" }, // locale id based on iso codes
  57.             { "LocaleID", "0409" }, // Windows id
  58.             { "ShortLanguage", "eng" }, // iso-3 abbrev lang name
  59.             { "ShortCountry", "USA" }, // iso-3 abbrev country name
  60.             { "Languages", // language names
  61.                 new String[][] {
  62.                     { "ab", "Abkhazian" },
  63.                     { "aa", "Afar" },
  64.                     { "af", "Afrikaans" },
  65.                     { "sq", "Albanian" },
  66.                     { "am", "Amharic" },
  67.                     { "ar", "Arabic" },
  68.                     { "hy", "Armenian" },
  69.                     { "as", "Assamese" },
  70.                     { "ay", "Aymara" },
  71.                     { "az", "Azerbaijani" },
  72.                     { "ba", "Bashkir" },
  73.                     { "eu", "Basque" },
  74.                     { "bn", "Bengali" },
  75.                     { "dz", "Bhutani" },
  76.                     { "bh", "Bihari" },
  77.                     { "bi", "Bislama" },
  78.                     { "br", "Breton" },
  79.                     { "bg", "Bulgarian" },
  80.                     { "my", "Burmese" },
  81.                     { "be", "Byelorussian" },
  82.                     { "km", "Cambodian" },
  83.                     { "ca", "Catalan" },
  84.                     { "zh", "Chinese" },
  85.                     { "co", "Corsican" },
  86.                     { "hr", "Croatian" },
  87.                     { "cs", "Czech" },
  88.                     { "da", "Danish" },
  89.                     { "nl", "Dutch" },
  90.                     { "en", "English" },
  91.                     { "eo", "Esperanto" },
  92.                     { "et", "Estonian" },
  93.                     { "fo", "Faeroese" },
  94.                     { "fj", "Fiji" },
  95.                     { "fi", "Finnish" },
  96.                     { "fr", "French" },
  97.                     { "fy", "Frisian" },
  98.                     { "gl", "Galician" },
  99.                     { "ka", "Georgian" },
  100.                     { "de", "German" },
  101.                     { "el", "Greek" },
  102.                     { "kl", "Greenlandic" },
  103.                     { "gn", "Guarani" },
  104.                     { "gu", "Gujarati" },
  105.                     { "ha", "Hausa" },
  106.                     { "iw", "Hebrew" },
  107.                     { "hi", "Hindi" },
  108.                     { "hu", "Hungarian" },
  109.                     { "is", "Icelandic" },
  110.                     { "in", "Indonesian" },
  111.                     { "ia", "Interlingua" },
  112.                     { "ie", "Interlingue" },
  113.                     { "ik", "Inupiak" },
  114.                     { "ga", "Irish" },
  115.                     { "it", "Italian" },
  116.                     { "ja", "Japanese" },
  117.                     { "jw", "Javanese" },
  118.                     { "kn", "Kannada" },
  119.                     { "ks", "Kashmiri" },
  120.                     { "kk", "Kazakh" },
  121.                     { "rw", "Kinyarwanda" },
  122.                     { "ky", "Kirghiz" },
  123.                     { "rn", "Kirundi" },
  124.                     { "ko", "Korean" },
  125.                     { "ku", "Kurdish" },
  126.                     { "lo", "Laothian" },
  127.                     { "la", "Latin" },
  128.                     { "lv", "Latvian (Lettish)" },
  129.                     { "ln", "Lingala" },
  130.                     { "lt", "Lithuanian" },
  131.                     { "mk", "Macedonian" },
  132.                     { "mg", "Malagasy" },
  133.                     { "ms", "Malay" },
  134.                     { "ml", "Malayalam" },
  135.                     { "mt", "Maltese" },
  136.                     { "mi", "Maori" },
  137.                     { "mr", "Marathi" },
  138.                     { "mo", "Moldavian" },
  139.                     { "mn", "Mongolian" },
  140.                     { "na", "Nauru" },
  141.                     { "ne", "Nepali" },
  142.                     { "no", "Norwegian" },
  143.                     { "oc", "Occitan" },
  144.                     { "or", "Oriya" },
  145.                     { "om", "Oromo (Afan)" },
  146.                     { "ps", "Pashto (Pushto)" },
  147.                     { "fa", "Persian" },
  148.                     { "pl", "Polish" },
  149.                     { "pt", "Portuguese" },
  150.                     { "pa", "Punjabi" },
  151.                     { "qu", "Quechua" },
  152.                     { "rm", "Rhaeto-Romance" },
  153.                     { "ro", "Romanian" },
  154.                     { "ru", "Russian" },
  155.                     { "sm", "Samoan" },
  156.                     { "sg", "Sangro" },
  157.                     { "sa", "Sanskrit" },
  158.                     { "gd", "Scots Gaelic" },
  159.                     { "sr", "Serbian" },
  160.                     { "sh", "Serbo-Croatian" },
  161.                     { "st", "Sesotho" },
  162.                     { "tn", "Setswana" },
  163.                     { "sn", "Shona" },
  164.                     { "sd", "Sindhi" },
  165.                     { "si", "Singhalese" },
  166.                     { "ss", "Siswati" },
  167.                     { "sk", "Slovak" },
  168.                     { "sl", "Slovenian" },
  169.                     { "so", "Somali" },
  170.                     { "es", "Spanish" },
  171.                     { "su", "Sundanese" },
  172.                     { "sw", "Swahili" },
  173.                     { "sv", "Swedish" },
  174.                     { "tl", "Tagalog" },
  175.                     { "tg", "Tajik" },
  176.                     { "ta", "Tamil" },
  177.                     { "tt", "Tatar" },
  178.                     { "te", "Telugu" },
  179.                     { "th", "Thai" },
  180.                     { "bo", "Tibetan" },
  181.                     { "ti", "Tigrinya" },
  182.                     { "to", "Tonga" },
  183.                     { "ts", "Tsonga" },
  184.                     { "tr", "Turkish" },
  185.                     { "tk", "Turkmen" },
  186.                     { "tw", "Twi" },
  187.                     { "uk", "Ukrainian" },
  188.                     { "ur", "Urdu" },
  189.                     { "uz", "Uzbek" },
  190.                     { "vi", "Vietnamese" },
  191.                     { "vo", "Volapuk" },
  192.                     { "cy", "Welsh" },
  193.                     { "wo", "Wolof" },
  194.                     { "xh", "Xhosa" },
  195.                     { "ji", "Yiddish" },
  196.                     { "yo", "Yoruba" },
  197.                     { "zu", "Zulu" }
  198.                 }
  199.             },
  200.             { "Countries", // country names
  201.                 new String[][] {
  202.                     { "AF", "Afghanistan" },
  203.                     { "AL", "Albania" },
  204.                     { "DZ", "Algeria" },
  205.                     { "AD", "Andorra" },
  206.                     { "AO", "Angola" },
  207.                     { "AI", "Anguilla" },
  208.                     { "AR", "Argentina" },
  209.                     { "AM", "Armenia" },
  210.                     { "AW", "Aruba" },
  211.                     { "AU", "Australia" },
  212.                     { "AT", "Austria" },
  213.                     { "AZ", "Azerbaijan" },
  214.                     { "BS", "Bahamas" },
  215.                     { "BH", "Bahrain" },
  216.                     { "BD", "Bangladesh" },
  217.                     { "BB", "Barbados" },
  218.                     { "BY", "Belarus" },
  219.                     { "BE", "Belgium" },
  220.                     { "BZ", "Belize" },
  221.                     { "BJ", "Benin" },
  222.                     { "BM", "Bermuda" },
  223.                     { "BT", "Bhutan" },
  224.                     { "BO", "Bolivia" },
  225.                     { "BA", "Bosnia and Herzegovina" },
  226.                     { "BW", "Botswana" },
  227.                     { "BR", "Brazil" },
  228.                     { "BN", "Brunei Darussalam" },
  229.                     { "BG", "Bulgaria" },
  230.                     { "BF", "Burkina Faso" },
  231.                     { "BI", "Burundi" },
  232.                     { "KH", "Cambodia" },
  233.                     { "CM", "Cameroon" },
  234.                     { "CA", "Canada" },
  235.                     { "CV", "Cape Verde" },
  236.                     { "CF", "Central African Republic" },
  237.                     { "TD", "Chad" },
  238.                     { "CL", "Chile" },
  239.                     { "CN", "China" },
  240.                     { "CO", "Colombia" },
  241.                     { "KM", "Comoros" },
  242.                     { "CG", "Congo" },
  243.                     { "CR", "Costa Rica" },
  244.                     { "CI", "Cote D'ivoire" },
  245.                     { "HR", "Croatia" },
  246.                     { "CU", "Cuba" },
  247.                     { "CY", "Cyprus" },
  248.                     { "CZ", "Czech Republic" },
  249.                     { "DK", "Denmark" },
  250.                     { "DJ", "Djibouti" },
  251.                     { "DM", "Dominica" },
  252.                     { "DO", "Dominican Republic" },
  253.                     { "TP", "East Timor" },
  254.                     { "EC", "Ecuador" },
  255.                     { "EG", "Egypt" },
  256.                     { "SV", "El Salvador" },
  257.                     { "GQ", "Equatorial Guinea" },
  258.                     { "ER", "Eritrea" },
  259.                     { "EE", "Estonia" },
  260.                     { "ET", "Ethiopia" },
  261.                     { "FJ", "Fiji" },
  262.                     { "FI", "Finland" },
  263.                     { "FR", "France" },
  264.                     { "GF", "French Guiana" },
  265.                     { "PF", "French Polynesia" },
  266.                     { "TF", "French Southern Territories" },
  267.                     { "GA", "Gabon" },
  268.                     { "GM", "Gambia" },
  269.                     { "GE", "Georgia" },
  270.                     { "DE", "Germany" },
  271.                     { "GH", "Ghana" },
  272.                     { "GR", "Greece" },
  273.                     { "GP", "Guadeloupe" },
  274.                     { "GT", "Guatemala" },
  275.                     { "GN", "Guinea" },
  276.                     { "GW", "Guinea-Bissau" },
  277.                     { "GY", "Guyana" },
  278.                     { "HT", "Haiti" },
  279.                     { "HN", "Honduras" },
  280.                     { "HK", "Hong Kong" },
  281.                     { "HU", "Hungary" },
  282.                     { "IS", "Iceland" },
  283.                     { "IN", "India" },
  284.                     { "ID", "Indonesia" },
  285.                     { "IR", "Iran" },
  286.                     { "IQ", "Iraq" },
  287.                     { "IE", "Ireland" },
  288.                     { "IL", "Israel" },
  289.                     { "IT", "Italy" },
  290.                     { "JM", "Jamaica" },
  291.                     { "JP", "Japan" },
  292.                     { "JO", "Jordan" },
  293.                     { "KZ", "Kazakhstan" },
  294.                     { "KE", "Kenya" },
  295.                     { "KI", "Kiribati" },
  296.                     { "KP", "North Korea" },
  297.                     { "KR", "South Korea" },
  298.                     { "KW", "Kuwait" },
  299.                     { "KG", "Kyrgyzstan" },
  300.                     { "LA", "Laos" },
  301.                     { "LV", "Latvia" },
  302.                     { "LB", "Lebanon" },
  303.                     { "LS", "Lesotho" },
  304.                     { "LR", "Liberia" },
  305.                     { "LY", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" },
  306.                     { "LI", "Liechtenstein" },
  307.                     { "LT", "Lithuania" },
  308.                     { "LU", "Luxembourg" },
  309.                     { "MK", "Macedonia" },
  310.                     { "MG", "Madagascar" },
  311.                     { "MY", "Malaysia" },
  312.                     { "ML", "Mali" },
  313.                     { "MT", "Malta" },
  314.                     { "MQ", "Martinique" },
  315.                     { "MR", "Mauritania" },
  316.                     { "MU", "Mauritius" },
  317.                     { "YT", "Mayotte" },
  318.                     { "MX", "Mexico" },
  319.                     { "FM", "Micronesia" },
  320.                     { "MD", "Moldova" },
  321.                     { "MC", "Monaco" },
  322.                     { "MN", "Mongolia" },
  323.                     { "MS", "Montserrat" },
  324.                     { "MA", "Morocco" },
  325.                     { "MZ", "Mozambique" },
  326.                     { "MM", "Myanmar" },
  327.                     { "NA", "Namibia" },
  328.                     { "NP", "Nepal" },
  329.                     { "NL", "Netherlands" },
  330.                     { "AN", "Netherlands Antilles" },
  331.                     { "NC", "New Caledonia" },
  332.                     { "NZ", "New Zealand" },
  333.                     { "NI", "Nicaragua" },
  334.                     { "NE", "Niger" },
  335.                     { "NG", "Nigeria" },
  336.                     { "NU", "Niue" },
  337.                     { "NO", "Norway" },
  338.                     { "OM", "Oman" },
  339.                     { "PK", "Pakistan" },
  340.                     { "PA", "Panama" },
  341.                     { "PG", "Papua New Guinea" },
  342.                     { "PY", "Paraguay" },
  343.                     { "PE", "Peru" },
  344.                     { "PH", "Philippines" },
  345.                     { "PL", "Poland" },
  346.                     { "PT", "Portugal" },
  347.                     { "PR", "Puerto Rico" },
  348.                     { "QA", "Qatar" },
  349.                     { "RO", "Romania" },
  350.                     { "RU", "Russian Federation" },
  351.                     { "RW", "Rwanda" },
  352.                     { "SA", "Saudi Arabia" },
  353.                     { "SN", "Senegal" },
  354.                     { "SP", "Serbia" },
  355.                     { "SC", "Seychelles" },
  356.                     { "SL", "Sierra Leone" },
  357.                     { "SG", "Singapore" },
  358.                     { "SK", "Slovakia" },
  359.                     { "SI", "Slovenia" },
  360.                     { "SO", "Somalia" },
  361.                     { "ZA", "South Africa" },
  362.                     { "ES", "Spain" },
  363.                     { "LK", "Sri Lanka" },
  364.                     { "SD", "Sudan" },
  365.                     { "SR", "Suriname" },
  366.                     { "SZ", "Swaziland" },
  367.                     { "SE", "Sweden" },
  368.                     { "CH", "Switzerland" },
  369.                     { "SY", "Syria" },
  370.                     { "TW", "Taiwan" },
  371.                     { "TJ", "Tajikistan" },
  372.                     { "TZ", "Tanzania" },
  373.                     { "TH", "Thailand" },
  374.                     { "TG", "Togo" },
  375.                     { "TK", "Tokelau" },
  376.                     { "TO", "Tonga" },
  377.                     { "TT", "Trinidad and Tobago" },
  378.                     { "TN", "Tunisia" },
  379.                     { "TR", "Turkey" },
  380.                     { "TM", "Turkmenistan" },
  381.                     { "UG", "Uganda" },
  382.                     { "UA", "Ukraine" },
  383.                     { "AE", "United Arab Emirates" },
  384.                     { "GB", "United Kingdom" },
  385.                     { "US", "United States" },
  386.                     { "UY", "Uruguay" },
  387.                     { "UZ", "Uzbekistan" },
  388.                     { "VU", "Vanuatu" },
  389.                     { "VA", "Vatican" },
  390.                     { "VE", "Venezuela" },
  391.                     { "VN", "Viet Nam" },
  392.                     { "VG", "British Virgin Islands" },
  393.                     { "VI", "U.S. Virgin Islands" },
  394.                     { "EH", "Western Sahara" },
  395.                     { "YE", "Yemen" },
  396.                     { "YU", "Yugoslavia" },
  397.                     { "ZR", "Zaire" },
  398.                     { "ZM", "Zambia" },
  399.                     { "ZW", "Zimbabwe" }
  400.                 }
  401.             },
  402.             { "%%EURO", "Euro" }, // Euro variant display name
  403.             { "LocaleNamePatterns",
  404.                 /* Formats for the display name of a locale, for a list of
  405.                  * items, and for composing two items in a list into one item.
  406.                  * The list patterns are used in the variant name and in the
  407.                  * full display name.
  408.                  */
  409.                 new String[] {
  410.                     "{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1} ({2})}", // Display name
  411.                     "{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1},{2}|3#{1},{2},{3}}", // List
  412.                     "{0},{1}" // List composition
  413.                 }
  414.             },
  415.             { "MonthNames", 
  416.                 new String[] { 
  417.                     "January", // january
  418.                     "February", // february
  419.                     "March", // march
  420.                     "April", // april
  421.                     "May", // may
  422.                     "June", // june
  423.                     "July", // july
  424.                     "August", // august
  425.                     "September", // september
  426.                     "October", // october
  427.                     "November", // november
  428.                     "December", // december
  429.                     "" // month 13 if applicable
  430.                 }
  431.             },
  432.             { "MonthAbbreviations", 
  433.                 new String[] { 
  434.                     "Jan", // abb january
  435.                     "Feb", // abb february
  436.                     "Mar", // abb march
  437.                     "Apr", // abb april
  438.                     "May", // abb may
  439.                     "Jun", // abb june
  440.                     "Jul", // abb july
  441.                     "Aug", // abb august
  442.                     "Sep", // abb september
  443.                     "Oct", // abb october
  444.                     "Nov", // abb november
  445.                     "Dec", // abb december
  446.                     "" // abb month 13 if applicable
  447.                 }
  448.             },
  449.             { "DayNames", 
  450.                 new String[] { 
  451.                     "Sunday", // Sunday
  452.                     "Monday", // Monday
  453.                     "Tuesday", // Tuesday
  454.                     "Wednesday", // Wednesday
  455.                     "Thursday", // Thursday
  456.                     "Friday", // Friday
  457.                     "Saturday" // Saturday
  458.                 }
  459.             },
  460.             { "DayAbbreviations", 
  461.                 new String[] { 
  462.                     "Sun", // abb Sunday
  463.                     "Mon", // abb Monday
  464.                     "Tue", // abb Tuesday
  465.                     "Wed", // abb Wednesday
  466.                     "Thu", // abb Thursday
  467.                     "Fri", // abb Friday
  468.                     "Sat" // abb Saturday
  469.                 }
  470.             },
  471.             { "AmPmMarkers", 
  472.                 new String[] { 
  473.                     "AM", // am marker
  474.                     "PM" // pm marker
  475.                 }
  476.             },
  477.             { "Eras", 
  478.                 new String[] { // era strings
  479.                     "BC", 
  480.                     "AD" 
  481.                 }
  482.             },
  483.             { "NumberPatterns", 
  484.                 new String[] { 
  485.                     "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", // decimal pattern
  486.                     "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)", // currency pattern
  487.                     "#,##0%" // percent pattern
  488.                 }
  489.             },
  490.             { "NumberElements", 
  491.                 new String[] { 
  492.                     ".", // decimal separator
  493.                     ",", // group (thousands) separator
  494.                     ";", // list separator
  495.                     "%", // percent sign
  496.                     "0", // native 0 digit
  497.                     "#", // pattern digit
  498.                     "-", // minus sign
  499.                     "E", // exponential
  500.                     "\u2030", // per mille
  501.                     "\u221e", // infinity
  502.                     "\ufffd" // NaN
  503.                 }
  504.             },
  505.             { "CurrencyElements", 
  506.                 new String[] { 
  507.                     "$", // local currency symbol
  508.                     "USD", // intl currency symbol
  509.                     "." // monetary decimal separator
  510.                 }
  511.             },
  512.             { "DateTimePatterns", 
  513.                 new String[] { 
  514.                     "h:mm:ss 'o''''clock' a z", // full time pattern
  515.                     "h:mm:ss a z", // long time pattern
  516.                     "h:mm:ss a", // medium time pattern
  517.                     "h:mm a", // short time pattern
  518.                     "EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", // full date pattern
  519.                     "MMMM d, yyyy", // long date pattern
  520.                     "dd-MMM-yy", // medium date pattern
  521.                     "M/d/yy", // short date pattern
  522.                     "{1} {0}" // date-time pattern
  523.                 }
  524.             },
  525.             { "DateTimeElements", 
  526.                 new String[] { 
  527.                     "1", // first day of week
  528.                     "1" // min days in first week
  529.                 }
  530.             },
  531.             { "CollationElements", "" } 
  532.         };
  533.     }
  534. }